World of Electronics and Cyber Consultancy

Make a call, hang up and then send a text message to a mobile phone with SIM900


This short article will show you how to transform your Arduino into a cell phone. Remember that you can always visit us or contact us during our normal opening hours.

How to connect SIM900

This model does not include the pins to mount it directly on the Arduino and since this card is controlled by UART, we only need TX and RX pins. Below is how to connect SIM900 to Arduino UNO:


Because we’re using the pins 7 and 8 for the data transmission between SIM900 and Arduino, make sure that the jumpers of the GSM card are positioned in D7 and D8 to activate these pins.




Below is a code that will let you make a call, hang up, and then send a text message to a mobile phone:

/ *

Professional Technological Tools

Original Tutorial:

AT commands:

Data sheet:

Instructions for Arduino: Set the serial terminal to 19200 baud so you can see the messages.

* /

# include  < SoftwareSerial.h > ;

SoftwareSerial SIM900 ( 7 , 8 ); // Configure the serial port for the GSM SIM

char incoming_char = 0 ; // Variable that stores the characters sent by the GSM SIM

int exit = 0 ;

void  setup ()


SIM900. begin ( 19200 ); // Set up serial speed for the SIM

delay ( 25000 ); // Delay to find a RED

Serial. begin ( 19200 ); // Set serial speed for the Arduino

Serial. println ( ” OK ” ); // Message OK in the arduino, to know that everything is fine.


void  call ()

// Function that allows to call a local cell


SIM900. println ( ” ATD 33XXXXXXXX; ” ); // Cellular

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println ();

delay ( 30000 ); // wait for 30 seconds …

SIM900. println ( ” ATH ” ); // Drop the phone

delay ( 1000 );


void  message_sms ()

// Function to send text message


SIM900. print ( ” AT + CMGF = 1 \ r ” ); // AT command to send SMS message

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println ( ” AT + CMGS = \” 33XXXXXXXX \ ” ” ); // recipient’s mobile number, in international format

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println ( ” Greetings from HetPro ” ); // message to send

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println (( char ) 26 ); // End AT command with a ^ Z, ASCII code 26 // End command

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println ();

delay ( 5000 ); // Time for the message to be sent

Serial. println ( ” SMS sent successfully ” );


void  wait_message ()


exit = 1 ;

while (exit == 1 )


if (SIM900. available ()> 0 )


incoming_char = SIM900. read (); // Get the character from the serial serial port.

Serial. print (incoming_char); // Print the incoming character to the terminal.

exit = 0 ;




void  mode_receives_message ()


// Set text mode to send or receive messages

SIM900. print ( ” AT + CMGF = 1 \ r ” ); // set SMS mode to text

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. print ( ” AT + CNMI = 2,2,0,0,0 \ r ” );

// blurt out contents of new SMS upon receipt to the GSM shield’s serial out

delay ( 1000 );


void  loop ()


call (); // Flame

message_sms (); // Send message

mode_receives_message ();

for (;;)


if (SIM900. available ()> 0 )


incoming_char = SIM900. read (); // Get the character from the serial serial port.

Serial. print (incoming_char); // Print the incoming character to the terminal.


if (Serial. available ()> 0 )


if (Serial. read () == ‘ A ‘ ) break ;



Serial. println ( ” OK-2 ” );

delay ( 100 );

SIM900. println ();

delay ( 30000 );

while ( 1 ); // Wait for an indefinite period



Once you upload the code on your Arduino, turn on the SIM module with the PowerKey button and wait for the Netlight to flash once every 2 seconds. (Picture Below for reference)



Open the serial port, and check the messages you get every 30 seconds…Once you upload the code on your Arduino, turn on the SIM module with the PowerKey button and wait for the Netlight to flash once every 2 seconds. (Picture Below for reference)

You can also try the AT Commands, to configure this same module…

