World of Electronics and Cyber Consultancy

Traffic Light Controller! Full Tutorial Code.

For this tutorial, you’ll need:

  1. 2 x Arduino UNO
  2. 9 x Resistor 330E
  3. 9 x LED 5MM
  4. Jumper Wires
  5. 3x Mini BreadBoard
  6. 1 x Dip Switch
  7. 1 x Resistor 10K

Please note that the items needed will be updated with each part!

First Part: Explaining the project & Figure Out How to Know if a Led is Really ON?

This video is sponsored by C.B.Electronics & Produced by Lebanese Park

Test if a LED is ON:

define led 8
 define feedback 7
 int i =0;
 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:
   pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(feedback, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(led, LOW);
 void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
 if (digitalRead(feedback) == 1)
       Serial.println("The led is ON");
     Serial.println("The led is damaged");

Second Part: Simple Order Without Sensor Feedback

This video is sponsored by C.B.Electronics & Produced by Lebanese Park

Simple Order Without Sensor Feedback Code:

 define TLAR 3 // RED Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLAY 4 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLAG 5 // Green Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLBCR 6 // RED Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLBCY 7 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLBCG 8 // Green Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLDR 9 // RED Traffic Light for Road D
 define TLDY 10 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road D
 define TLDG 11 // Green Traffic Light for Road D
 define TrafficLedRoadA 1 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road A
 define TrafficLedRoadBC 2 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road B and C
 define TrafficLedRoadD 3 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road D
 define IntinialState 4 //This is the reference number for the initial State of the system
 define red 10 //This is the reference number for the red color
 define green 20 //This is the reference number for the green color
 define yellow 30 //This is the reference number for the yellow color
 define IntinialStateColor 50 //This is the reference number of the initiale state color lighted when the system in UP for the first time
 define ERRORLIGHTS 404 //This is the reference number for the error State
 define ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT 3 //This is the number of time the yellow lights will blink when there is an error
 define ERRORLIGHTSTIME 500 //This is the delay time between each ON & OFF for the error lights
 define WaitingTime 9000 //9 Seconds This is the time of the the red light will be ON or the GREEN light will be ON.
 define GreenTime 7000 //7 Seconds is the green time (of the 9 total seconds)
 define YellowTime 2000 //2 Seconds is the yellow time (of the 9 total seconds)
 define SecurityTime 1000 //1 Second is the time to switch the green light to another traffic light. It's when all teh traffic lights are RED ON. For security purposes
 int turn=IntinialState; //This variable is used to pass between the turns of the traffic lights
 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int colorNumber); // This function will light the specified color based on the traffic light given
 turnTrafficLedON(1, 10);
 This will trun RED light ON in TrafficLedRoadA and turn Yellow and Green Lights OFF on the same TrafficLedRoadA
 //the turn is ROAD D, ROAD A, ROAD B & C
 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:
 //Define all the traffic lights as output - till now we don't have an input in this program
 pinMode(TLAR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAG, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(TLBCR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCG, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(TLDR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDG, OUTPUT);
 //Turn OFF all the outputs  
 digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
 digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
 digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
 //start the serial communication for debugging purposes if needed
 //  Serial.begin(9600);
 //  Serial.println("Serial Communication started");
 void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 switch (turn)
     case IntinialState:
   turnTrafficLedON(IntinialState, IntinialStateColor);   delay(WaitingTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadD;   break; case TrafficLedRoadD:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, green);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, yellow);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadA;   break; case TrafficLedRoadA:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, green);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, yellow);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadBC;   break; case TrafficLedRoadBC:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, green);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, yellow);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadD;   break; default:   turnTrafficLedON(ERRORLIGHTS, ERRORLIGHTS);   break;
 //define the work of the functions declared in the beginning of the sketch
 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int color)
 if (TrafficLedNumber == IntinialState && color == IntinialStateColor) // The system is Up for the first time.
     //All the Traffic Leds must be RED and the rest colors OFF
 //Turn Red Lights ON for all the traffic lights digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH); digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH); digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH); //Turn Yellow Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW); digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW); digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW); //Turn Green Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW); digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW); digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == ERRORLIGHTS && color == ERRORLIGHTS) // ERROR!! The YELLOW LIGHTS will Blink for 3 times
     //Make sure all the LIGHTS are OFF
   //YELLOW OFF   digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);   //RED OFF   digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);   //GREEN OFF   digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);         for (int i=0; i<ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT; i++) //BLINK The YELLOW LIGHTS indicating an error {   digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);   delay(ERRORLIGHTSTIME);   digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);   digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW); }

Third Part: Add a Control Room

This video is sponsored by C.B.Electronics & Produced by Lebanese Park

Traffic Light Arduino Code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 

 //define RX and TX pins
 define RX A0
 define TX A1
 //define the codes to be sent
 define HelloMessage 50 //This is sent when the arduino is ON
 //define codes:
 define S0 1 //Initial State
 define S1 2 //Green Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S2 3 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S3 4 //Red Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S4 5 //Green Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S5 6 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S6 7 //Red Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S7 8 //Green Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define S8 9 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define S9 10 //Red Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define SE 100 //Error State
 //define the software serial: S using RX (A0) and TX (A1)
 SoftwareSerial s(RX,TX); //(RX = A0, TX= A1)
 define TLAR 3 // RED Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLAY 4 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLAG 5 // Green Traffic Light for Road A
 define TLBCR 6 // RED Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLBCY 7 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLBCG 8 // Green Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 define TLDR 9 // RED Traffic Light for Road D
 define TLDY 10 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road D
 define TLDG 11 // Green Traffic Light for Road D
 define TrafficLedRoadA 1 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road A
 define TrafficLedRoadBC 2 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road B and C
 define TrafficLedRoadD 3 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road D
 define IntinialState 4 //This is the reference number for the initial State of the system
 define red 10 //This is the reference number for the red color
 define green 20 //This is the reference number for the green color
 define yellow 30 //This is the reference number for the yellow color
 define IntinialStateColor 50 //This is the reference number of the initiale state color lighted when the system in UP for the first time
 define ERRORLIGHTS 404 //This is the reference number for the error State
 define ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT 3 //This is the number of time the yellow lights will blink when there is an error
 define ERRORLIGHTSTIME 500 //This is the delay time between each ON & OFF for the error lights
 define WaitingTime 15000 //15 Seconds This is the time of the the red light will be ON or the GREEN light will be ON.
 define GreenTime 10000 //10 Seconds is the green time (of the 9 total seconds)
 define YellowTime 5000 //5 Seconds is the yellow time (of the 9 total seconds)
 define SecurityTime 5000 //1 Second is the time to switch the green light to another traffic light. It's when all teh traffic lights are RED ON. For security purposes
 int turn=IntinialState; //This variable is used to pass between the turns of the traffic lights
 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int colorNumber); // This function will light the specified color based on the traffic light given
 turnTrafficLedON(1, 10);
 This will trun RED light ON in TrafficLedRoadA and turn Yellow and Green Lights OFF on the same TrafficLedRoadA
 //the turn is ROAD D, ROAD A, ROAD B & C
 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:
 s.begin(9600); //start the serial connection
   delay(100); //wait 100 ms to give it time
 s.write(HelloMessage); //send a Hello Message to the control Room.
 //Define all the traffic lights as output - till now we don't have an input in this program
 pinMode(TLAR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAG, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(TLBCR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCG, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(TLDR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDG, OUTPUT);
 //Turn OFF all the outputs  
 digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
 digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
 digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
 //start the serial communication for debugging purposes if needed
 //  Serial.begin(9600);
 //  Serial.println("Serial Communication started");
 void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 switch (turn)
     case IntinialState:
   turnTrafficLedON(IntinialState, IntinialStateColor);   s.write(S0);   delay(WaitingTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadD;   break; case TrafficLedRoadD:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, green);   s.write(S1);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, yellow);   s.write(S2);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   s.write(S3);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadA;   break; case TrafficLedRoadA:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, green);   s.write(S4);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, yellow);   s.write(S5);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   s.write(S6);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadBC;   break; case TrafficLedRoadBC:   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, green);   s.write(S7);   delay(GreenTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, yellow);   s.write(S8);   delay(YellowTime);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);   turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);   s.write(S9);   delay(SecurityTime);   turn = TrafficLedRoadD;   break; default:   turnTrafficLedON(ERRORLIGHTS, ERRORLIGHTS);   s.write(SE);   break;
 //define the work of the functions declared in the beginning of the sketch
 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int color)
 if (TrafficLedNumber == IntinialState && color == IntinialStateColor) // The system is Up for the first time.
     //All the Traffic Leds must be RED and the rest colors OFF
 //Turn Red Lights ON for all the traffic lights digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH); digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH); digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH); //Turn Yellow Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW); digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW); digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW); //Turn Green Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW); digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW); digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);
 if (TrafficLedNumber == ERRORLIGHTS && color == ERRORLIGHTS) // ERROR!! The YELLOW LIGHTS will Blink for 3 times
     //Make sure all the LIGHTS are OFF
   //YELLOW OFF   digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);   //RED OFF   digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);   //GREEN OFF   digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);         for (int i=0; i<ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT; i++) //BLINK The YELLOW LIGHTS indicating an error {   digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);   digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);   delay(ERRORLIGHTSTIME);   digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);   digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);   digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW); }

Monitoring Room Arduino Code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 
 //define RX and TX pins
 define RX A1
 define TX A0
 //define the codes to be sent
 define HelloMessage 50 //This is sent when the arduino is ON
 //define codes:
 define S0 1 //Initial State
 define S1 2 //Green Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S2 3 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S3 4 //Red Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 define S4 5 //Green Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S5 6 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S6 7 //Red Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 define S7 8 //Green Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define S8 9 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define S9 10 //Red Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 define SE 100 //Error State
 int HelloMessageStep1 = 0;
 void checkdata(int ); //Function to check the received data
 //define the software serial: S using RX (A0) and TX (A1)
 SoftwareSerial s(RX,TX); //(RX = A1, TX= A0)
 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:
 s.begin(9600); //start the serial connection
   delay(100); //wait 100 ms to give it time
 while(HelloMessageStep1 == 0)
       HelloMessageStep1 = 1; 
 void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
   if(s.available()>0) {   checkdata(; }
 void checkdata(int data) //Function to check the received data
   switch (data)
     case 1:
       Serial.println("Initial State");
 case 2:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 1:");   Serial.println("Road D  Green");   Serial.println("Road BC RED");   Serial.println("Road A  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 3:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 2:");   Serial.println("Road D  Yellow");   Serial.println("Road BC RED");   Serial.println("Road A  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 4:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 3:");   Serial.println("Road D  RED");   Serial.println("Road BC RED");   Serial.println("Road A  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 5:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 4:");   Serial.println("Road A  Green");   Serial.println("Road D RED");   Serial.println("Road BC  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 6:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 5:");   Serial.println("Road A  Yellow");   Serial.println("Road D RED");   Serial.println("Road BC  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 7:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 6:");   Serial.println("Road A  RED");   Serial.println("Road D RED");   Serial.println("Road BC  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 8:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 7:");   Serial.println("Road BC  Green");   Serial.println("Road A RED");   Serial.println("Road D  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 9:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 8:");   Serial.println("Road BC  Yellow");   Serial.println("Road A RED");   Serial.println("Road D  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 10:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("State 9:");   Serial.println("Road BC  RED");   Serial.println("Road A RED");   Serial.println("Road D  RED");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 50:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("Hello Message Received, System is UP");   Serial.println(" ");   break; case 100:   Serial.println(" ");   Serial.println("ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR");   Serial.println(" ");   break;

Fourth Part: Add Sensor for Road D
This video is sponsored by C.B.Electronics & Produced by Lebanese Park
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

 //define RX and TX pins

 #define RX A0
 #define TX A1

 //define the codes to be sent

 #define HelloMessage 50 //This is sent when the arduino is ON

 //define codes:

 #define S0 1 //Initial State

 #define S1 2 //Green Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 #define S2 3 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A
 #define S3 4 //Red Traffic Light for Road D & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & A

 #define S4 5 //Green Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 #define S5 6 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D
 #define S6 7 //Red Traffic Light for Road A & Red Traffic Light for Road BC & D

 #define S7 8 //Green Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 #define S8 9 //Yellow Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A
 #define S9 10 //Red Traffic Light for Road BC & Red Traffic Light for Road D & A

 #define SE 100 //Error State


 //define the software serial: S using RX (A0) and TX (A1)

 SoftwareSerial s(RX,TX); //(RX = A0, TX= A1)


 #define TLAR 3 // RED Traffic Light for Road A
 #define TLAY 4 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road A
 #define TLAG 5 // Green Traffic Light for Road A

 #define TLBCR 6 // RED Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 #define TLBCY 7 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road B & Road C
 #define TLBCG 8 // Green Traffic Light for Road B & Road C

 #define TLDR 9 // RED Traffic Light for Road D
 #define TLDY 10 // Yellow Traffic Light for Road D
 #define TLDG 11 // Green Traffic Light for Road D

 #define SensorRoadD 12 //The sensor of ROAD D is Connected to the pin number 12

 #define TrafficLedRoadA 1 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road A
 #define TrafficLedRoadBC 2 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road B and C
 #define TrafficLedRoadD 3 //This is the reference number for the traffic lights of road D

 #define IntinialState 4 //This is the reference number for the initial State of the system

 #define red 10 //This is the reference number for the red color
 #define green 20 //This is the reference number for the green color
 #define yellow 30 //This is the reference number for the yellow color
 #define IntinialStateColor 50 //This is the reference number of the initiale state color lighted when the system in UP for the first time

 #define ERRORLIGHTS 404 //This is the reference number for the error State

 #define ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT 3 //This is the number of time the yellow lights will blink when there is an error
 #define ERRORLIGHTSTIME 500 //This is the delay time between each ON & OFF for the error lights


 #define WaitingTime 15000 //15 Seconds This is the time of the the red light will be ON or the GREEN light will be ON.
 #define GreenTime 10000 //10 Seconds is the green time (of the 9 total seconds)
 #define YellowTime 5000 //5 Seconds is the yellow time (of the 9 total seconds)
 #define SecurityTime 5000 //1 Second is the time to switch the green light to another traffic light. It's when all teh traffic lights are RED ON. For security purposes

 int turn=IntinialState; //This variable is used to pass between the turns of the traffic lights

 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int colorNumber); // This function will light the specified color based on the traffic light given


  turnTrafficLedON(1, 10);

  This will trun RED light ON in TrafficLedRoadA and turn Yellow and Green Lights OFF on the same TrafficLedRoadA


 //the turn is ROAD D, ROAD A, ROAD B & C

 int isThereAnyoneOnRoadD();

 int PreviousTurn = TrafficLedRoadA; //A variable to store the previous trun

 void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:

   s.begin(9600); //start the serial connection
   delay(100); //wait 100 ms to give it time

   s.write(HelloMessage); //send a Hello Message to the control Room.


 //Define all the traffic lights as output - till now we don't have an input in this program

   pinMode(TLAR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLAG, OUTPUT); 

   pinMode(TLBCR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLBCG, OUTPUT);

   pinMode(TLDR, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDY, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(TLDG, OUTPUT);

   pinMode(SensorRoadD, INPUT);

 //Turn OFF all the outputs  

   digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);

   digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);

   digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
   digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);

 //start the serial communication for debugging purposes if needed

 //  Serial.begin(9600);

 //  Serial.println("Serial Communication started");

 void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

   switch (turn)
     case IntinialState:
       turnTrafficLedON(IntinialState, IntinialStateColor);
       turn = TrafficLedRoadD;
     case TrafficLedRoadD:

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, green);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, yellow);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);

       turn = PreviousTurn;


     case TrafficLedRoadA:

         PreviousTurn = TrafficLedRoadA;
         turn = TrafficLedRoadD;
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, green);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, yellow);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);

       turn = TrafficLedRoadBC;


     case TrafficLedRoadBC:
         PreviousTurn = TrafficLedRoadBC;
         turn = TrafficLedRoadD;
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, green);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, yellow);

       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadBC, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadA, red);
       turnTrafficLedON(TrafficLedRoadD, red);

       turn = TrafficLedRoadA;






 //define the work of the functions declared in the beginning of the sketch

 void turnTrafficLedON (int TrafficLedNumber, int color)



   if (TrafficLedNumber == IntinialState && color == IntinialStateColor) // The system is Up for the first time.
     //All the Traffic Leds must be RED and the rest colors OFF
     //Turn Red Lights ON for all the traffic lights
     digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);

     //Turn Yellow Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);

     //Turn Green Lights OFF for all the traffic Lights
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);

   if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == red) // The RED traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);


   if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == yellow) // The YELLOW traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDG, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);


     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadA && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadA must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadBC && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadB & Road C must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);

     if (TrafficLedNumber == TrafficLedRoadD && color == green) // The GREEN traffic lights on RoadD must be turned ON
     digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDR, LOW);
     digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);



   if (TrafficLedNumber == ERRORLIGHTS && color == ERRORLIGHTS) // ERROR!! The YELLOW LIGHTS will Blink for 3 times
     //Make sure all the LIGHTS are OFF

       //YELLOW OFF
       digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);

       //RED OFF
       digitalWrite(TLAR, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLBCR, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLDR, HIGH);

       //GREEN OFF
       digitalWrite(TLAG, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLBCG, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLDG, HIGH);        
     for (int i=0; i<ERRORLIGHTSTIMEREPEAT; i++) //BLINK The YELLOW LIGHTS indicating an error
       digitalWrite(TLAY, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLBCY, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(TLDY, HIGH);


       digitalWrite(TLAY, LOW);
       digitalWrite(TLBCY, LOW);
       digitalWrite(TLDY, LOW);


 int isThereAnyoneOnRoadD()
   if (digitalRead(SensorRoadD) == 1)
     return 1;
     return 0;