Welcome to an exciting journey into the world of Arduino and Python programming! In this comprehensive tutorial, we will explore the intricacies of controlling an Arduino board using Python and Tkinter, a popular GUI toolkit. Our goal is to teach you how to create a simple yet powerful user interface […]
Below is the short video published on YouTube: Here’s the code: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Project: Singing bowls illumination// Description: It turns on a different colour depending on which Chakra is played// Engineer: Alberto Lopez// More: https://misCircuitos.com// Date: 16 – nov – 2022 Chiang Mai (Thailand)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define DEBUG_MODE //Comment when finish debuging […]
For this tutorial, you’ll need: 1 x Arduino UNO 1 x Resistor 330E Jumper Wires 1 x Led 5MM 1 x Voice Recognition Module Watch this full video: Download the library before you start Led Control Example Code: #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include "VoiceRecognitionV3.h" VR myVR(2,3); // 2:RX 3:TX, you can […]
For this tutorial, you’ll need: 2 x Arduino UNO 4 x Resistor 330E BreadBoard Jumper Wires 4 x Led 5MM 2 x DIP Switch 6 pole Watch this full video: First Version of Code: #define Working 12 #define led1 10 #define led2 9 #define led3 8 int led=0; void setup() […]
Please don't try this at home and always remember that Arduino UNO Supply voltage varies between 5V and 12V
In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a low cost thermometer, using Arduino & DS18B20 waterproof version (Digital Temperature Sensor) Step 1: Items you need to have Arduino UNO (or other Arduino Models) DS18B20 Waterproof Resistor 4.7KOhm (Preferably 1/2Watt). You can check the Watt availability for 4.7KOhm […]
Connect to the wireless network print(wifi.sta.getip()) --nil wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config("SSID","password") print(wifi.sta.getip()) -- Arduino like IO access pin = 1 gpio.mode(pin,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(pin,gpio.HIGH) gpio.mode(pin,gpio.INPUT) print(gpio.read(pin)) HTTP Client -- A simple http client conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, false) conn:on("receive", function(conn, pl) print(pl) end) conn:connect(80,"") conn:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.nodemcu.com\r\n" Â Â .."Connection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n") HTTP Server -- a […]
This Sensor KY-037 is easy to use, cheap and can be used in different applications. It has two outputs: AO, analog output, real-time output voltage signal of the microphone. DO, when the sound intensity reaches a certain threshold, the output high and low signal. The threshold-sensitivity can be adjusted […]